Monday, July 4, 2016


We all have heard about the greatness and prosperity of India. She was one of the Guru of world. People from all over the world used to come to India to acquire knowledge in different fields.
The collection of four Vedas i.e. the Rigveda, the Yajurveda, the Samaveda and the Atharvaveda consist of immense knowledge. It is said that during that time there where such scientists who could perform heart transplants and many such major operations.  
India was then called "Golden Sparrow" which attracted traders from everywhere.

However back then India became a slave country, first under the Mughals and then under the British. During the Mughal rule many historical monuments where made in India like The Taj Mahal, Red Fort etc. During British rule many transformations have happened in our country, from the first Railway Network to the change in education system many things have transformed in a better way after the British Rule.
Now if we talk about present era India in 21st century is a fast changing country. It has wonderful progress in all the regions. With modernization and improvement in technologies India today is recognized as a country with immense developing rate.
In Scientific field also our country has advanced a lot. Indian Scientists have earned a huge name around the world. It has done a huge progress in Space Technology also. As of the resent news ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) has launched 20 satellites from a signal flight which in itself is a History.
The CEO's of big MNC's like Google and Microsoft are Indians.
"The rush of startups which has trained nowadays and which is also backed by the Government will be a very big turning point for the future."
All the cities are turning into METRO CITIES (like Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad etc.). The standard of living of people is also increasing. Safety, security and all the modern amenities are now easily available. Anything can be purchased with just a click of finger.

In spite of so many achievements we have many things which have to be looked into. Unemployment, population, illiteracy, poverty, health and housing problems appear as the major stumbling blocks that we are facing today.
To provide basic necessities to such a vast population remains a very difficult task. So a large section of people will enter into the new century with poverty as their bosom friend. Another of major problem in India is illiteracy. Since India is not succeed in making education free for boys and girls up to a particular age this problem will not solve easily.
Also the politics which is played in India by different people has been a hindrance in its growth. Instead of doing betterment for the common good this political leaders have always tried to find their own profit in every phase.

But I would like to say that all this disputes and issues are a part of every developing country. They can be taken care if we work together for the better and brighter India which we want to live in. As it is said “Where there is a will there is a way”, if we have the will to change for betterment we will always find a way. 

Friday, June 17, 2016

Simple tips for Healthy & Beautiful hair

Hair is a protein filament that grows from follicles found in the dermis, or skin. Hair is very important part of our body and its play very important role in our healthy life. Hair protects our scalp from heat & ultra violet rays also give us beautiful looks.  Healthy hair makes you look more beautiful and confident.
So, guys here are few simple tips and home remedies that will help you to make your hair healthy and beautiful.

1. Water plays a very important role for good health as well as hair. I recommend you to use soft water for drinking and washing hair as in urban areas we used to get Bore well water which is very hard for hair results to grey hair & hair fall.
2. Health of your hair is directly connected to your stomach so drink more water and eat healthy food that helps to keep your digestion good. Eat citric fruit like lemon, orange, kiwi for healthy & shiny hair.
3. As hair is protein filament, it is crucial that you eat enough protein for hair strengthening and thickness. Lack of protein in your diet can also lead to dry, brittle and weak hair, which prompts hair loss. So ensure you get your diet right, including chicken, turkey, fish, dairy products, eggs, legumes and nuts in your diet plan, all of which are rich in protein.
4. Vitamin B is very important for healthy hair so you need to consume Biotin rich foods like whole grains, egg yolk, soy flour and yeast. Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin B. Lack of Biotin can cause brittle hair and lead to hair loss.
5. Do not keep your scalp sweaty. This will lead to dandruff in scalp. Hence wash your hair regularly.
6. Be careful while choosing the shampoo and conditioner for your hair. So use less or no chemical containing conditioner & shampoos.
7. Don’t give too much heat to your hair by using straitening machine & roller.
8. Please don’t use Hair dryer too much, if you want to use then heat setting should be on low.
9. Brush your hair at least two times a day from bottom up this help to clean your scalp & dust from hair.
10.  In latest trend everybody use to highlight their hair using artificial color. Try avoiding using artificial hair color.
11.  We use to cover our grey hair using artificial color instead of that try to use mehndi with curd/egg or less /no chemical color.
12.  Oil your hair regularly. Apply warm oil on your scalp using finger tips or cotton and then wash hair.
13.  Instead of rubbing your hair after you get it wet, wrap up your damaged hair in a cotton towel, and let the cotton absorb the moisture for a few minutes to avoid getting split ends.
14.  Go for home remedies for healthy hair like
a)      Applying curd on your hair for conditioning your hair.
b)      Fenugreek seeds (methi) mixture with curd helps to get healthy hair.
c)      Chopped Onion is good for shiny & dandruff free hair. 
d)      You can use the Egg as a conditioner.
e)      Amla powder and lemon juice for treating hair and scalp.
f)       For dry and damage hair, Mesh one banana in a bowl, and then apply the mixture from root to tip. Leave the treatment on for 15 minutes, and then wash with shampoo.
g)      Lightly spray beer into hair after hair wash, its make them soft & shiny.

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Thursday, June 16, 2016

Is entrepreneurship a distant dream today?

It might seem common to hear entrepreneurs coming from top business schools charting out their start-up success stories today. But in reality, it doesn’t really require an MBA degree to open up a business. The thumping successes of Dhirubhai Ambani to those of Chanda Kochar show the two sides of the same coin. It is neither a degree nor the normalcy of not having one that decides your fate.

It all starts with the one thing- “The spark to carve out a name for oneself!!” Had that not been true, Steve Jobs would not have made Apple what it stands today; working day and night in a garage, trying to turn fortunes in his favour. It requires patience and persistence to struggle, fail and again stand up to one’s dreams and try alternate paths to achieve the same goals. Sam Walton would have been unsuccessful in making Walmart the largest company in the world had he given up on his dreams after he had settled comfortably in his life. It is about limiting the number of hats one wishes to adorn oneself with and focus on the strengths to play the winning streaks. Pierre Omidyar would not have made eBay the buzzword of online shopping without that. It indeed seems interesting to learn things the hard way. But however cliché it may sound, learning comes through the experiences of others, the mistakes made and the actions taken, the easy way!

When we start investing in ourselves, our strengths automatically become the power to turn our fortunes. The expertise and competitive advantage of the business follows up. But, in the end, it is important to love what one does. The passion and the love for the game only made Roger Federer the one to fetch the title of a “17 time Grand Slam Winner”. Had the love for the business that Dhirubhai was pursuing vanished, Reliance would have been an unknown name lying in the attics. The dream to be successful realises from the patience and lessons learnt on the difficult terrain, from the tangible plans that one charts out for oneself, from the honesty and dedication one puts in to accomplish the goals! Had the failures bogged down Howard Schultz, we could not have relished on the taste and flavour of our favourite coffees from Starbucks!

It’s all about the race for oneself and no one else. When it’s all that you love and enjoy doing, no one can dare stop you! NO ONE!!

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Monday, June 6, 2016

3 Steps: Beat Heat Wave this summer

3 Steps: Beat Heat Wave this summer

As the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOOA) in the US reports said that 2016 was on course to beat 2015 as the hottest year on record globally, the Ministry of Earth Sciences reiterated that for India too it “could be one of the warmest years of the century”.
There is also a high probability of 76% of maximum temperatures in the core Heat Wave (HW) zone during the 2016 hot weather season to be above normal.
With different resources more than 2500 person died due to heat wave in different cities of India

Three steps which help you to beat this heat wave in this summer.

1.      Organize Yourself for Heat wave.
Always keep knowledge about local weather forecast and keep updated about upcoming    temperature changes. Always be aware about body temperature and heat index. Direct sunlight increases the heat index of the body.
 Always cover your body, head & ears from cloth.  Try to be in cool place at the warmest part of the day, if you don’t have air conditioned then try to spend time in mall, school, libraries & office.
Remember to maintain an adequate level of hydration, which means you'll need to consume more water than you usually do when it's hot. If you're sweating generously, you will also need to replace electrolytes by eating a small amount of food with your water or by drinking specially-formulated electrolyte replacement drinksThirst is the first sign of dehydration; you should drink sufficient amounts of fluids before you feel thirsty in order to prevent dehydration.

Avoid alcoholic beverages and caffeine, as both of these substances can act as diuretics and promote dehydration.

Don't eat large, protein-rich meals that can increase metabolic heat and warm the body.
This tip is pretty self-explanatory. Light bulbs (like CFLs) give off heat. Fortunately, summer means it stays light until eight or nine at night. Take advantage of natural light as much as possible, and keep rooms cool after dark by using lights minimally or not at all.

2.   Symptoms of Heat Stroke:
Higher body temperature is symptoms of heat stroke, a body temperature 104 F or more is the main sign of Heat Stroke.  Muscle cramps, nausea &  vomiting, Alteration in sweating , Headache , breathing problem, skin rashes, red eyes, & Flushed skins all are the symptoms of the heat stroke.
3. How to Respond:
     Due to heat waves peoples are disposed to three heat related conditions.
  Heat Cramps:
Heat cramps, a type of heat illness, are muscle contractions that result from loss of large amount of salt and water. Heat cramps are associated with cramping in the abdomen, arms and calves.
Get the person in cooler place and gently massage the affected muscles, give them some electrolyte fluid to them.
Heat exhaustion is a condition whose symptoms may include heavy sweating and a rapid pulse, a result of your body overheating.
There are two types of heat exhaustion:
Water depletion: Signs include excessive thirst, weaknessheadache, and loss of consciousness.
Salt depletion: Signs include nausea and vomitingmuscle cramps, and dizziness.
Immediately get out of the heat and take rest in cool area, preferably in an air-conditioned room. If you can't get inside, try to find the nearest cool and shady places.
·      Drink plenty of fluid.
·      Remove any tight or unnecessary clothing.
·      Take a cool shower, bath, or sponge bath.
·      Apply other cooling measures such as fans or ice towels.

If such measures fail to provide relief within 15-20 minutes, seek emergency medical help, because untreated heat exhaustion can progress to heat stroke.
Heat stroke ,when your body temperature rises rapidly and you are unable to cool down. It can be life-threatening by causing damage to your brain and other vital organs.
·      Keep the person in a cool tub of water or a cool shower so that temperature get down.
·      Spray cool water on person body, massage of ice berg on foot & palm.
·      Sponge with cool water, cover the body with wet towel.
·      Keep ice packs or cool wet towels around neck, armpits and groin.

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Sunday, June 5, 2016

3D Printing Technology

3D Printing Technology

3D printing technology is already changing the way we build objects from toys to clothing’s and even body parts. It is part of a process known as Additive Manufacturing wherein objects are created by adding material layer by layer.

If we have a look at the history of 3D printing, the first 3D printer was based on a technique called stereo lithography. It was invented by Charles Hull in 1984. There are many types of 3D printers or 3D printing technologies now.

Nowadays smaller and customer friendly 3D printers are available. First step in 3D printing is to create Blue print of the object which you want to manufacture. This can be done by CAD or with the help of 3D scanner. Once we have the finished design input it to the printer. When the printer receives the Data it pours the material to be used, melts it, deposits it to the plate where it instantly cools. Plastic is the most common material used. Nowadays 3D printed food is becoming very popular.

We have many industries which make use of 3D printing some of them are Aerospace industry, Architecture Industry, Defence Industry, Dental Industry, Mould Industry, etc. If we look at the benefits of 3D printing we have several features that can bring revolutionary change in the surrounding around us. For example it will help a lot in education sector, especially for art and technique classes, it will be great to see how the creativity of students come to life.

In medical world doctors are trying to create small body parts like ears and nose using 3D printers. By 2020 we may get Bio printing of functional human limbs and organs. The cost of making this artificial objects will be less as compared to normal cost.

Recently giant 3D printers in China printed 10 houses in just one day at a very less cost compared to traditional cost. The world's first 3D printed office building has been completed is Dubai. This building is entirely print made including the furniture inside it. Also Nike created a 3D printed shoes for the upcoming Olympics in Rio. It is named "The Nike Zoom Superfly Flykit"

While we think about a digital new world in which human behaviour links to the device which we use every day. A smartphone will control everything around us in which we are involve, 3D printing will be like the development arm of such new world.

While we may have a long way to go in terms of futuristic printing it appears that within our lifetime we may witness incredible printing concepts literally being brought to life. Once functionality comes into play, the boundaries will be limitless.

So, the technology will not be stopped and it would go beyond the limit and many future developments would be discovered everyday which would bring a new invention to the people of the world for their ease and comfort. So guys keep finding new invention and create a new history.

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

3 Habits required to be successful.

3 Habits  required to be successful.

Success? Success is nothing it’s just an experience and experience comes with our bad experiences. Success is simple but its needs Passion, Hunger & dedication to achieve it.
Successful people are not different they are same like as other human being but they do the things differently.

Every day in morning you have two choices either continue to sleep with your dreams, or wake up and chase them. And it’s up to you what you want to choose.
You can’t get anything without giving something likewise success also demands something from you, Success wants passion for work, hunger for win, dedication & discipline to accomplish passion & hunger.

You pick any successful person you find the same qualities in them
Karoly Takacs a shooter, I don’t know how many knows about him, I brief he was the first person who won the two consecutive gold medal in Olympic for rapid fire pistol shooting.
He is true example of passion for shooting, hunger for Olympic gold medal & dedication to be best shooter in world.  This is about Karoly a 28 year old army man belongs to Hungry who was passionate for shooting. He was the best pistol shooter 1938 in his country; he won many championships on the national & international level. His dreams was the Olympic 1940 Tokyo, Japan, All were vowed about his victory.

But suddenly in an army training camp a faulty hand grenade had exploded in his right hand, and injured it badly. Right hand was his shooting hand but it was not only the hand it was the ladder of Olympic dream. He was admitted in hospital for few months, all of his dreams have gone away in a day.  

All other peoples definitely ask god “why me”?? But Karoly didn’t, that day he was having two options either he cry for sympathy or focus on the things those are available with him.  He has focused on the things available with him which is healthy and fully functional that was his left hand.
He started to train his left hand and after some time he was ready to shoot with his left hand. His dedication and hunger encourage him to make his left hand work perfectly.
He practiced a lot whether he liked it or not due to pain and the fact that he was not left handed.

Dedication, discipline and will made his only hand the best shooting hand. After one year he came up with his only hand to participate in national shooting championship which was held in hungry where all his colleague were happy to see him and complimented him on his courage to come at the championship to cheers them. But Karoly replied, I came here to compete you not to cheer you.  All participants were shooting with their best hand and Karoly was shooting with his only hand.

Who won? Shooter who was using his only hand…Karoly.
But this was not his dream this was the first step of his dream which was Olympic. He has shifted his entire focus on 1940’s Olympic preparation but it was cancelled due to World war. He was disappointed but he had not stopped here, he had switched his entire focus on 1944 Olympic but again it was cancelled due to world war.
Karoly still did not stop as he never learned to stop, his hunger increased day by day. He has focused 1948 Olympic at London. At that time he was 38 years where other participant was very young and fit but he never seen around him as he was very much focused on his goal. All other participants were shooting with their best hand and Karoly with his only left hand.
Finally he won the gold medal and his passion, hunger & discipline made him champion.
Again in 1952 Olympic 42 year’s old Karoly won second consecutive gold medal and made the history.
This is true example of passion, hunger, dedication & discipline. He was disciplined and makes his only hand best shooting hand. There are lots of moments when life destroy you, crushed you completely so never give up. Don’t sit and cry for the things which you have lost instead you need to focus on the things available with you.  No hand grenade can blast your passion, hunger & determination.

So guys. Keep chasing your dreams. Your dreams are waiting for you….

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