Friday, June 17, 2016

Simple tips for Healthy & Beautiful hair

Hair is a protein filament that grows from follicles found in the dermis, or skin. Hair is very important part of our body and its play very important role in our healthy life. Hair protects our scalp from heat & ultra violet rays also give us beautiful looks.  Healthy hair makes you look more beautiful and confident.
So, guys here are few simple tips and home remedies that will help you to make your hair healthy and beautiful.

1. Water plays a very important role for good health as well as hair. I recommend you to use soft water for drinking and washing hair as in urban areas we used to get Bore well water which is very hard for hair results to grey hair & hair fall.
2. Health of your hair is directly connected to your stomach so drink more water and eat healthy food that helps to keep your digestion good. Eat citric fruit like lemon, orange, kiwi for healthy & shiny hair.
3. As hair is protein filament, it is crucial that you eat enough protein for hair strengthening and thickness. Lack of protein in your diet can also lead to dry, brittle and weak hair, which prompts hair loss. So ensure you get your diet right, including chicken, turkey, fish, dairy products, eggs, legumes and nuts in your diet plan, all of which are rich in protein.
4. Vitamin B is very important for healthy hair so you need to consume Biotin rich foods like whole grains, egg yolk, soy flour and yeast. Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin B. Lack of Biotin can cause brittle hair and lead to hair loss.
5. Do not keep your scalp sweaty. This will lead to dandruff in scalp. Hence wash your hair regularly.
6. Be careful while choosing the shampoo and conditioner for your hair. So use less or no chemical containing conditioner & shampoos.
7. Don’t give too much heat to your hair by using straitening machine & roller.
8. Please don’t use Hair dryer too much, if you want to use then heat setting should be on low.
9. Brush your hair at least two times a day from bottom up this help to clean your scalp & dust from hair.
10.  In latest trend everybody use to highlight their hair using artificial color. Try avoiding using artificial hair color.
11.  We use to cover our grey hair using artificial color instead of that try to use mehndi with curd/egg or less /no chemical color.
12.  Oil your hair regularly. Apply warm oil on your scalp using finger tips or cotton and then wash hair.
13.  Instead of rubbing your hair after you get it wet, wrap up your damaged hair in a cotton towel, and let the cotton absorb the moisture for a few minutes to avoid getting split ends.
14.  Go for home remedies for healthy hair like
a)      Applying curd on your hair for conditioning your hair.
b)      Fenugreek seeds (methi) mixture with curd helps to get healthy hair.
c)      Chopped Onion is good for shiny & dandruff free hair. 
d)      You can use the Egg as a conditioner.
e)      Amla powder and lemon juice for treating hair and scalp.
f)       For dry and damage hair, Mesh one banana in a bowl, and then apply the mixture from root to tip. Leave the treatment on for 15 minutes, and then wash with shampoo.
g)      Lightly spray beer into hair after hair wash, its make them soft & shiny.

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